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The length is proportional to your experience, number of publications, etc.

  • Be Concise: A CV does not need to be a single page like a resume, but it still needs to be succinct.
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    So, in addition to reading through our Resume Tips, here are some points to remember when writing a CV: The 5 C's of Resume Writing - Convincing, Concise, Clear, Consistent, and Clean - also apply to curricula vitae. Unless you only have a few publications and would like to show that you have more in review, you may want to consider leaving out this section when you share your CV. Tracking Publications: If you are using your CV as a way to keep track of your publications, then it is useful to have a category for "Publications in Review". So, you may want to consider maintaining a separate CV that you use specifically for submitting with applications. If you are in a hurry to send off an application, it is very easy to accidentally include a section in your CV that you didn't want to. Maintaining a Second Version: You may have information and categories in your master CV template that you do NOT want to include when you publish your CV or submit the CV to a potential employer. I prefer to maintain a single master CV template that contains the most up-to-date information. Maintaining a Master Copy: You will probably end up with many different versions of your CV over time as you apply for different positions and grants.

    Berkeley free word download how to#

    See the reference below for examples of how to customize your CV. The order of the various sections will depend upon what type of job you are applying for (such as teaching vs. Morris is the university news editor.Customizing: It will be very important for you to customize the template for your specific field, experience, and skills. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Vishalli, Bahar, or the STC ( ). More information about these efforts can be found on the STC`s “Downloads“ page. Depending upon student feedback and students` continued level of interest, alternatives for cost recovery for student downloads will be explored.

    Berkeley free word download software#

    Watch for information about spring semester Adobe training and a T-shirt design contest using Adobe products.ĭuring this academic year, ASUC President Vishalli Loomba and Graduate Assembly President Bahar Navab are partnering with the STC on assessing and advising the PS project first, to support the adoption and use of these popular software products, and second, to gauge interest and usage for such a program over the longer term. Links to help with troubleshooting are on the same page. Have not downloaded Adobe yet? Go to the STC`s “Downloads“ page. The Adobe agreement reached at the start of the fall semester is also part of this project.

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    The goal of this project is to reduce complexity and costs and, at the same time, distribute licenses for the most commonly used software and tools so that everyone can work with the most current version. This agreement is part of the Operational Excellence-sponsored Productivity Suite (PS) project. Check the Student Technology Council`s (STC) website,, in January for download information. The software will be available for download beginning Monday, January 9, 2012.

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    Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System (OS) upgrades including Windows 7 Enterprise

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    Office Professional Plus or Office for Mac Home & Business (one or the other, not both) Students will be able to download one copy of the following products and may keep the software perpetually upon graduation.

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    We are pleased to announce that the campus has signed a license agreement to provide Microsoft Office and Operating System software to all students at no cost this year and next. The download will be available this year and next, according to the email.Įarlier this year, a similar agreement was reached as part of the project to allow students to download Adobe software for free. The free software to students comes as the result of a license agreement arranged through the campus cost-cutting Operational Excellence initiative’s Productivity Suite project. 9, UC Berkeley students will be able to download Microsoft Office and operating system software for free, student and campus officials announced in a campuswide email Tuesday.

    Berkeley free word download